Silver Lining

A loving community finding the silver lining.

April Calendar

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Challenge Recap



As our health month comes to an end, I want you to look back at all you’ve done. This week, have you been able to relax more? Are there any tips you have that helped you calm your mind? Please comment down below and share your thoughts or your experiences, we’d love to hear them 🙂

Relax, Don’t Worry

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Relax, Don’t Worry


Let every moment be

what it’s going to be.

What’s meant to be

will come your way.

What’s not will fall away.


– Mandy Hale

Tension is who you think you should be



Literally my first thought when I heard this: PREAAAACHH. What kind of person wouldn’t love this quote? Ok, maybe some people, but I feel like it’s a proverb that anyone can relate to. For me, I have finals and AP testing coming up, so I’ve been so stressed out the past few weeks. All I can think about is getting good grades and not failing my junior year before college applications. But in reality, all this built-up tension has to be unhealthy for a young teenage body and mind. All my friends are in the same boat as well, and it’s just that time in our lives where we all are in serious study mode. But I think that we all believe it’s normal to be super stressed out and it’s a natural thing, but to perform well in daily life we need to relax. There’s no if or but to it; it’s just the plain truth. So I’m going to try and relax more as my tests come up, that way I won’t feel so stressed out the day of the test. I want you to promise me that when you feel stressed or when you’re full of tension, that you’ll take some time to relax and some time to heal yourself, just like I will.

Tips on “how to relax”

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  1. Go outside!! It’s not good for your mind or your body to stay pent up inside all day. Go outside and get some fresh air, and just feel the stress blowing away!!
  2. Listen to your favorite music. Whether it be classical, rock, pop, or country, listening to your favorite genre or your favorite artist will be sure to bring up your mood and help you forget the stress in your life.
  3. Do some Yoga. Even if you have no idea how to do yoga, no biggie. Search up some moves online and try it out, because it helps to calm the mind and the body in times of extreme stress and tension. Or if you’re not into yoga, at least exercise 🙂 It’ll make you feel much better and happier!

Quiet mind is the best cure for the body



“The best cure for the body is a quiet mind”. – Napoleon Bonaparte

I sometimes believe that I don’t have the time or the option to relax. If you’re like me, and you go to a school where competition is so high you just can’t get enough rest, you’ll understand what I mean. Or if you’re in a situation where your life is in disarray, things aren’t going as planned, and your stress levels are at all-time highs, you’ll be able to relate. Every day, I stay up till past midnight, sometimes even till 5 to get my homework done. Even if I don’t procrastinate, it still happens because that is the environment I live in. I can’t do anything about it except continue losing sleep in order to get grades which in the end don’t even make me happy, because I feel depressed and stressed out inside.

Many people constantly work too hard every day in order for a better future, but you can’t have a bright future if you aren’t happy in the present. I can’t stress enough how important it is to take some time out for yourself in order to keep a calm mind and make sure things don’t get out of hand. And you probably won’t take this advice from me hearing my sleep schedule, but believe me, I’ve started to change that and take my own advice. Even if it’s just sleeping a few hours earlier, or hanging out with friends, or even having some sweet alone time, I’ve started to loosen up. And I’ve noticed that even though my life is still hectic, I’m feeling better as time goes by. By getting my much needed relaxation, I’m finally realizing that I can control my life better and do things with more effort than I was before. So I hope you take the chance to calm yourself and get some peace, because it’s worth it in the end.

Challenge: Take a little break, go outside, relax!!!



Take a little break, go outside, relax!!! You deserve it 🙂

Every day this week, or as you see this, take a break! Do things you enjoy and step outside and experience nature. 🙂

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Panic Disorder

Definition: Often experiencing spontaneous, unexpected panic attacks, which cause periods of intense fear

Symptoms of a panic attack:

  • Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Sensations of shortness of breath, smothering, or choking
  • feeling of impending doom

Symptoms of panic disorder:

  • Sudden, frequent panic attacks
  • Feeling of being out of control during the attacks
  • Fear of future attacks
  • Avoidance/fear of places where attacks have occurred (agoraphobia)


  • Six million Americans have it; women are twice as likely as men to have it
  • Affects 1 in 75 people, mainly teenagers and young adults
  • May be genetic, but also caused by stress or past psychological trauma
  • Occurs due to the activation of the fight-or-flight response caused by epinephrine (adrenaline), but there is not always an obvious trigger
    • One common trigger is fear of having a panic attack
      • This often leads to agoraphobia (fear of places where panic attacks have occurred): ex. a panic attack at a subway station might cause one to avoid subways/other crowded places

How to Feel Better:

  • Tell others. Many sufferers of panic disorder do not notify loved ones about what they experience because they fear being told that it is irrational or fake. However, it is important to tell others about what you experience because support is necessary to get through.
  • Inform medical professionals. People with panic disorder often do not tell doctors about their panic attacks, but doctors can help you get through your suffering, and can prescribe you something to help if the panic attacks get worse. It is also often comforting as well to have a medical professional whom you can trust.
  • Use stress-management techniques, such as meditation, exercise, or cutting down on caffeine. Stress is a major cause of panic disorder, along with other anxiety disorders, so try to cut as much stress out of your life as possible to start feeling better!


“70 Ways To Make Others Feel Special”

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Making others feel happy can bring you happiness too! Yes, many may believe that “why would helping others be good.. shouldn’t I care about myself?”… Helping others actually does help us. It brings out the good in us and it’s our human nature to be sympathetic and caring even if sometimes we forget to show it. In addition, it will make their day which just leads to them wanting to make other’s day and it will be a domino effect! Maybe we can make the whole world happy 🙂

Here are some ways to make other’s feel special 🙂 This article says it all 🙂

A mini-summary of the article:

Pay Attention to them: giving them your attention tells them that you care. This can be done by just making eye contact when they are talking to you. Or praise them, or pay attention to the little things they say…when you mentions those later to them it will really make them feel like you care.
See Potential in them: seeing potential in them tells them that you believe in them. It will make them want to work towards a goal more and grow more. This can be done by just encouraging them, comfort them whenever they feel bad, and just tell them to go for a dream they really want 🙂
Be with them: being there for them will really make them feel like they belong… like they matter. You can do this by just talking to them, being there for them when they need you the most and just caring ❤

Challenge Recap



Challenge Recap: Good job this week! Were you able to maintain a healthy schedule in order to get an appropriate amount of sleep? Did you feel a difference the next morning and for the rest of the day?