Silver Lining

A loving community finding the silver lining.

It matters who we become…

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“It matters not what someone is born as, but what they grow to be” – Albus Dumbledore

I wanted to share this quote with you guys 🙂 It really resonates with me since it reminds me that I create myself. I sometimes feel that I have to just “work with what I got”. I forget that us, humans, are adaptable. We do great with change. In fact, we have been adapting since forever! I feel like it is important to remind ourselves that we CAN change if we put in the effort. We aren’t stuck with what we were born with. NO baby is born knowing calculus! We all learn the different subjects in school. Similarly, we can all learn to change the way we behave. Our whole lives we are learning and becoming better people. Our experience and knowledge shape who we are not what we were born with. Granted we are born with things that we keep with us as we age but there are certain things that we can change, such as our personality, and our knowledge. Remember you aren’t stuck with what you are born with… you can always change. All you need it the want to do so 🙂 –Pizza