Silver Lining

A loving community finding the silver lining.

Some Friendships Don’t Last Forever



I’ve recently been through a lot of friend drama, and it’s making me too worried. Especially since it’s finals week; that just adds on stress that my mind can’t handle. Through the turmoil of the past couple weeks, I’ve lost a friendship which I thought I would last forever. I guess the other person didn’t just reciprocate my feelings. However, I did see the signs along the way – there were times I could tell she disliked me or disagreed with my opinions. It was a strained relationship, but the string has finally been broken. And although I feel some sadness and sorrow to know that I lost a friend, I feel like I’m finally free. Now that our relationship is over, I’ve noticed just how much of a burden it was to keep pulling through and convincing myself that she was truly a good friend. It was just an extra weight that was pulling me down, and now that it’s gone I feel so much better. Our friendship was something that just put more stress on both of us, and it was time to let go. Sometimes, it’s for the best interest of both people to end a friendship that wasn’t even beneficial in the first place. Let go of the unhealthy relationships in your life, and you’ll find yourself feeling much better afterwards.